dinsdag 12 januari 2021


Adolf Hitler named the invasion into the Soviet-Union operation “Barbarossa”.
Barnarossa (Redbeard) was a famous German emperor, who had tried to expand the Holy Roman Empire to the East in the Middle-Ages.
About him was told, that he and his army were asleep in the mountains. Barbarossa would wake up and join the struggle, when the Empire needed him most.
The Brittish King Arthur did not die either. After his final battle, nine maidens in black robes and cloths, rowed his body to the isle of Avalon, where he has been treated since. To get to this mystical island is only possible, when the magical boat reacts on your calling.
In folklore and local history is noted that Arthur and his knights will return, when the Brittons are in danger.
Historical research indicates, that Arthur was a historical figure. The only problem is the fact, that there are 2 of them. One king with that name, fighting the Romans ; and a King Arthur fighting the invading Saxons, some 300 years later. The stories of both British heroes intermingled and influenced eachother. Unclear is which of the two Kings will possibly return. The belief, this miracle will happen, is still strong on the Brittish isles.
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