zondag 30 december 2018


Noord-West Europa werd in de 18e en 19e getroffen door “De Kleine Ijstijd”; jaren van lange en strenge winters en zomers vol hagel en regen. De voedselvoorziening kwam in de knel en rond 1840, mede door aardappelziektes, ontstond een ware hongersnood vooral onder de armere stadsbevolking. Dit was ook in Harlingen het geval. De spanningen in de stad groeiden en leidde tot kleine opstootjes. Om voedsel werd letterlijk gevochten en de magistra...tuur keek de andere kant op. Ondanks dat ging de export van landbouwproducten en vooral aardappelen gewoon door. Buitenlandse handelaren waren bereid om de hoogste prijzen te betalen.
In Amsterdam waren er al relletjes geweest in de haven, maar de grote explosie van ongenoegen vond plaats in de Friese havenstad. Havenarbeiders (met rammelende magen) maakten een schip zeewaardig, dat, geladen met aardappelen, de bestemming Engeland had. Dit bericht bereikte de armen van de stad en een paar honderd ontevreden mannen en vrouwen trok naar de haven, verjoegen de bemanning, die uit angst overboord sprongen en in korte tijd was elke aardappel verdwenen.
Maar dit was niet het einde. De woede richtte zich op de rijke patriciƫrs, waaraan de hongersnood voorbij ging, en aan de Grote Breedeplaats werden woningen van de rijken geplunderd en verwoest. Het huisraad vloog door de ramen naar buiten. Geld en kostbaarheden verdwenen in de zakken van de plunderaars.
Maar de volkswoede was nog niet uitgewoed. De meute stortte zich op de burgemeesterswoning aan de Noorderhaven. Van de inboedel bleef weinig over. De burgervader moest zich, met een dienstbode, in een kast verstoppen om de overval te overleven. Het proletariaat wilde bloed zien.
Pas laat op de avond wist de schutterij, bestaande uit Harlinger oud-militairen, samen met de politie de gemoederen tot bedaren te brengen en orde en rust te herstellen.
Maar het bleef broeien in de Bargerbuurt en in de stegen, waar de allerarmsten, en dus de hongerigsten bivakkeerden.
De overheid greep kordaat in en stuurden 100 infanteristen uit Leeuwarden. De stad werd onder militair bestuur geplaatst en men ging driftig op zoek naar de daders en oproerkraaiers, die met tientallen werden opgepakt en zwaar werden gestraft. Jaren tuchthuis, isolatie en schijnexecuties. Maar ook geseling en brandmerking; straffen die in het openbaar werden uitgevoerd.
Het optreden had gewerkt en ondanks latere periodes met voedselschaarste, bleef het in Harlingen relatief rustig.
Er zijn tijdens het Aardappeloproer, naar verluidt geen doden gevallen of het moet de belaagde burgemeester zijn. Hij stierf kort na het oproer aan een hartaanval.





Master: “ Ground-penetrating radar has shown, that not far from Stonehenge, an immens megalithic stonestructure was constucted. It is dated around 2500 Bc. Stonehenge is part of a big complex of megalithic sites of which the meaning could point towards a religious and proto-Christian centre, visited by many. Most of the stones are broken or have disappeared. Only a few are still standing.”

Student: “Why do later generations almost always destroy or bury these beautiful monuments, Master?”

Master: “ The reason of course was in most cases: money. Natural stone is a scarce commodity in this part of the world. When our merchantships returned in the 17th century from the East, they not only brought coffee, tea or spices, they also imported a vicious wurm, that started eating the wooden poles, not only of farms or houses, but also of the wood, which formed the core of the Dutch dikes.

This was a dangerous situation. The engineers turned to stone to enforce their waterdefenses.

Stones could be imported from Germany, but this was slow and expensive. Then one of them had the brilliant idea, to use the so-called “hunebedden”, ancient megalithic stone-structures in one of the border-provinces. The farmers and land-owners in Drenthe were glad to get rid of the stones and were willing to sell. That is why almost all of the nonuments in the Netherlands were demolished and transported elsewhere, to the coastal areas. But before that that part of the future Republic, was a ritual centre, comparable to the area around Stonehenge.”
Student: “Thank you, Master.”

Something to THINK about

De mediaproviders als “Ben” en “Hollandse Nieuwe” laten als eerste de gevolgen van mobiele telefonie (Bennieblind) zien en in het verschil met echt chatten. Een gesprek!

Dit is een druppel op een gloeiende plaat. Overal elders worden mobiele telefoons (de nieuwe Iphone), laptops en computerspelletjes via reclame op ons losgelaten. Een ingenieuze strategie “to dumb down this society” en “make a lot of profit on the side”.

Somkething to THINK about


Het Amerikaanse bedrijf Avondale Pharmaceuticals heeft de prijs van Niacor een middel dat wordt gebruikt bij mensen met een hoog cholesterol, verhoogd van 32 dollar naar 295 dollar. De prijsverhoging volgde kort nadat Avondale, de rechten had verworven.

Het gebeurt vaker dat farmaceuten rechten op geneesmiddelen kopen en daarna prijsverhogingen doorvoeren.
Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: 1 persoon


Tot in de late Middeleeuwen lag voor de kust van Groningen, tussen Schiermonnikoog en Rottumeroog, het eiland Bosch. Na de Allerheiligenvloed van 1570 verdween het goeddeels in de golven. Westelijk van het eiland was het zeegat “de Lauwers” en aan de oostkant “de Schille”. Op oude kaarten staat er een kerkje getekend en een huisje voor de strandvoogd. Deze was aangesteld door het klooster van Aduard, dat in de 15e en 16e eeuw eigenaar was van het eiland. Hij moest gestrande schepen en goederen bergen. In oude contracten staat, dat hij hiervoor geld en een tonnetje boter kreeg. In 1551 maakte keizer Karel V aanspraak op de helft van het eiland. Er hebben zeker, gedurende lange tijd, mensen gewoond op Bosch. De voorouders van vuurtorenwachter Hessel Dubblinga wellicht. In 1699 en 1700 liet een echtpaar dat op Bosch woonde een kind dopen in het Groningse Leens.

Omdat de Waddeneilanden “wandelen” was Bosch in 1650 verschoven naar waar nu de oostpunt van Schiermonnikoog ligt en in 1750 lag het op de plaats waar nu Simonszand is. Op dit moment is Bosch geheel onder de golven verdwenen.

zaterdag 29 december 2018

Mini Ice Age, Long Ice Age Glaciation explained

Zo maar een straat in Harlingen
Harlingen bezat een zeehaven en twee binnenhavens. Sommige resterende pakhuizen dragen nog de naam van de bestemming van de Harlinger schepen: Rusland, Polen, Sumatra. Hier werden de Friese-export producten geladen: levend vee, vlees en zuivel.
De verbindingen met het Friese achterland bestond uit waterwegen, die het gehele Friese land bestreken....

Zo ging Rembrandt hier aan boord van een beurtschip. Dat hem naar Saskia zou brengen. Schepen die naar Franeker gingen, vertrokken van de zuidelijke oever (bakkerij Overzet). De noordelijke over heette vroeger het Leeuwardereind. Waarom is duidelijk. Hier arriveerden de reizigers om over te kunnen stappen op de veerdienst naar Amsterdam, zoals Rembrandt deed, en verzamelden zich handelaren en boeren, met een binnenlandse bestemming.
Dit verklaart de aanwezigheid van het Heerenlogement en cafes zoals Sypma. Vertier met vrouwen en drank was ook mogelijk, gezien de zwaan die nog steeds voor het hotel staat.
Op de hoek met de Nieuwstraat staat het huis “de Morgenwekker”. Hier woonde een porder. Dit was een officiele functie. Schippers en reizigers konden zich, tegen betaling, op tijd laten wekken.

vrijdag 28 december 2018

Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: lucht, buiten en water


CERN is de naam van de multi-nationale organisatie, die door middel van een “deeltjesversneller” onderzoek doet naar de bouwstenen van het heelal. Protonen worden versneld tot bijna lichtsnelheid. Bij een botsing komen elementaire deeltjes vrij, zoals het Higgs-boson, het zogenaamde “God-Particle”.

De experimenten worden binnenkort weer opgestart, na jarenlang onderhoud.

CONCERN is er over de gevolgen van deze experimenten.

  • zal er anti-materie ontstaan, het ultieme vernietigingswapen.
  • Ontstaan er “zwarte gaten”, die de energie in de nabijheid opslokt en verteert.
  • Ontstaat er een poort naar een andere dimensie
    Hierna krijgt het verhaal een extra-dimensie. Volgens vele christenen leven we in het einde der tijden. Zij zijn van mening, dat door deze experimenten de duivel en zijn demonen bevrijd worden, als “the bottomless pitt”.
    De experimenten bij Geneve beginnen binnenkort.
SiTU MONKEY MEMO: daily update

Walt Disney made a movie about “lemmingen”, small rodents living in Northern Slandinavia. The underlying message: overpopulation leads to collective suicide.

Shown were the desperate animals, who jump from the rocks and into the sea; towards a certain death by drowning.

It was completely fake and staged. Members of the crew caught as many “lemmingen”, they could. Later they were released and chased, until they, terrorised, jumped of the cliff. They even had boats, lying in waiting, to film the fall, splash into the icy waters and the drowning of them.

Not as dramatic, but also with a hidden message and completely fake and staged, is

the following documentary. It supports the theory of “cargo cult” . Aliens arrived on earth and were considered, by primitive humans, to be gods. When the aliens left, many promising to return, the humans developed rituals, ceremonies and build temples and pyramids, to honour the Gods and pledge for their support and return.
Cargo cult in modern software development

Cargo-cult” was an interesting concept, because it was practised into modern times. Tribes in (Papua-)New Guinea build aeroplanes to honour he “Gods”, in the form of American military and especially the planes, completely new to the locals, and the enormous amount of cargo they transported. This meant work, trade and wealth to an otherwise stable stone-age community.



Recently I read an interesting article about a special form of inter-connectedness, which the authors called the “100 monkey syndrom”.

Japanese monkeys were fed with sweet potatoes. A delicacy for them. The only problem was the way they obtained the potatoes. Their guardians threw them on the beach, which made the potatoes dirty. Some clever ones washed off the sand, but that was a, though slowly growing, minority. Then a miracle happened. Suddenly all the monkey washed their food in the sea. The same happened to all the monkeys on the island, but also to their brothers and sisters on the mainland and abroad. A small step for one monkey, but a giant leap for the race. The same happens with humans. Innovations and insights are ignored, fought about and suddenly accepted. The Roman Catholic Church, who burned Giordani Bruno at the steak, kept Galileo Galilei prisoner, is now accepting the existence of aliens as a reality. God walks in mysterious ways. The United Nations created a special department, which will be responsible for the first contact with extra-terrestial visitors.

But these are only parefrenalia and distractions. The real question is the manipulation of this interhuman connectedness. Experiments proof the power of prayer. Patients recovered faster, when they knew that people were praying and meditating for their recovery. Sports attract a lot of visitors and is extremely competitive. It is obvious, that the spectators eminate all forms of vibrations. When properly guided, this is a advantage for the “home-team”. Mass-meetings were favoured by the Elite to manipulate the population. Hitler, or better Goebbels, was a master in using the power of words and images. But there is also the power of vibrations. The military, the terrorists and the police, they all use sounds, waves and vibrations as a form of “crowd-control”. Iraqi citizens are continuous bombarded with bad vibes, to make them docile and depressive.

By the way, you too are deliberatedly bombarded with sounds, smell, rays and energy-levels. Millions of messages go right through you, every hour and some are aimed directly at you. To keep you docile and depressive. Which reminds me of Iraq or Guantanamo Bay. Quid Bono, who profits? Well, certainly not YOU.







A proposed law in which Israel as the “Nationstate of the Jewish people” can mean the end of the Israelian cabinet. Jewish nationalists are strongly in favour, while two liberal political parties oppose the law (and its implications).



Aircraft of the Egyptian airforce have bombarded insurgents near the city of Benghazi. Libia confirms the participation of Egyptian jetfighters in their campaign against the militia, that have a stronghold in the eastern Libian city. The planes, supposedly, were flown by Libian pilots.
Members of the Libyan National Army take a position during clashes with Islamist militants

Siddharta Gautama

Maitreya Meester Buddha


Heer van het Licht

Mythical Beasts S01E08 Demons of the Devil

donderdag 27 december 2018

Hitler's Last Secret: Hitler, Himler, and the Occult (WWII Documentary)


We always say: “We are watching television, while in fact we are listening to it.” Sound (OR THE ABSENSE OF IT) has ancients roots in the art of influencing people (meditation,trance, dance,extacy, body-contact). From now on I want you to pay attention to the use (and expected effects) of sound.



Onze wereld is “voller”, dan we denken. Er zijn veel zaken die we niet. Soms omdat ze te klein zijn of te groot, ook omdat ons perspectief beperkt is. Onze ogen zijn gericht naar voren, zoals bij een roofdier en dus beperkt. Kleuren herkennen we ook niet allemaal en we kunnen binnen een beperkte bandbreedte zien. Vlinders zien een bloem in zijn werkelijke kleuren.

Er is ook sprake van bewustzijn, die we niet kunnen zien. Hier is sprake van entiteiten, vergelijkbaar met de mens, die hun doelen nastreven. Die doelen zijn gericht op het “koloniseren” van ons zonnestelsel en het onderwerpen van de mens. En het is 1 van hun grote krachten, dat wij mensen, hun bestaan ontkennen of bagatelliseren. Onderzoekers op dat terrein worden gemarginaliseerd, hun conclusies weggemoffeld en verborgen onder lagen van zg. wetenschap.

Deze kwaadaardige wezens, genaamd Archons en hun handlangers en slaven, bestaan echt en hun invloed op de wereld neemt schrikbarend toe. “As in the days of Noah” en langlopende plannen van “the other side” komen in

hun eindfase. Vanachter de coulissen en buiten ons zicht jagen deze wezens oorlogen aan, stimuleren agressie en geweld, creeeren massamoorden en burgeroorlogen. Buitensporige consumptie gaan gepaard aan hongersnoden. Epidemieƫn breken uit en de medische beroepsgroep staat steeds vaker machteloos. Mateloos plezier en vermaak; losbandigheid en zonder moraal.

Archons hebben handlangers, die ook meestal buiten zicht opereren. Het zijn “the Greys”, genetisch gemanipuleerd en ondergeschikt aan de Archons en hun leider “de Demiurg”; de tweede groep is “Draco”, reptielachtigen. In tegenstelling tot de Archons kunnen zij zich materieel manifesteren (soms gedeeltelijk). Hierdoor zijn ze instaat te infiltreren in onze samenleving en mensen, met name op belangrijke posities, in hun macht te krijgen. Zij de wereldlijke machten, afgezanten en lakeien van onze mysterieuze vijanden: de Archons.

UFO Phenomenon Articles

Ancient Eastern Writings on UFO's

"In the year 22, of the third month of the winter, sixth hour of the day, the scribes of the House of Life found that there was a circle of fire coming from the sky. It had no head. From its mouth came a breath that stank. One rod long was its body and one rod wide and it was noiseless. And the hearts of the scribes became terrified and confused, and they laid themselves flat on their bellies.
They reported to the Pharaoh. Now, after some days had gone by, behold these things became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shone with the brightness of the sun, and extended to the four supports of the heaven. Dominated in the sky was the station of these five circles. The army of the Pharaoh looked on with him in their midst. It was after supper. These five circles ascended higher in the sky towards the south. Fishes and winged animals and birds fell down from the sky. A marvel never before known since the foundation of this land. And Pharaoh caused insence to be burned to make pieceon the earth. And what happened was ordered by the Pharaoh to be written in the annals of the House of Life so that it be remembered forever."
Royal Records of Tuthmosis III, 1480 B.C.

Did Alexander the Great really see UFOs ?

Among the famous historical stories one frequently finds in ufological literature and all over the Internet is the supposed UFO sightings of Alexander the Great.
It apparently began in 1959 when American writer and broadcaster Frank Edwards wrote the following in his book Stranger than Science :
"Alexander the Great was not the first to see them nor was he the first to find them troublesome. He tells of two strange craft that dived repeatedly at his army until the war elephants, the men, and the horses all panicked and refused to cross the river where the incident occurred. What did the things look like? His historian describes them as great shining silvery shields, spitting fire around the rims... things that came from the skies and returned to the skies."
(Edwards, Frank. Stranger than Science. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1959).

Possibly inspired by Frank Edwards' claim, Alberto Fenoglio wrote in 1966 in the Italian ufological periodical Clypeus :
"During the siege of Tyre in the year 332 BC, strange flying objects were observed. Johann Gustav Droysen in his History of Alexander the Great [Geschichte Alexanders des Grossen (1833)] does not cite it intentionally, believing it to be a fantasy of the Macedonian soldiers.
The fortress would not yield, its walls were fifty feet high and constructed so solidly that no siege-engine was able to damage it. The Tyrians disposed of the greatest technicians and builders of war-machines of the time and they intercepted in the air the incendiary arrows and projectiles hurled by the catapults on the city.
One day suddenly there appeared over the Macedonian camp these "flying shields", as they had been called, which flew in triangular formation led by an exceedingly large one, the others were smaller by almost a half. In all there were five. The unknown chronicler narrates that they circled slowly over Tyre while thousands of warriors on both sides stood and watched them in astonishment. Suddenly from the largest "shield" came a lightning-flash that struck the walls, these crumbled, other flashes followed and walls and towers dissolved, as if they had been built of mud, leaving the way open for the besiegers who poured like an avalanche through the breeches. The "flying shields" hovered over the city.

Source: 'The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus'

Christopher Columbus and Pedro Gutierrez while on the deck of the Santa Maira, observed, "a light glimmering at a great distance." It vanished and reappeared several times during the night, moving up and down, "in sudden and passing gleams." It was sighted 4 hours before land was sighted, and taken by Columbus as a sign they would soon come to land.


From the WaterUFO.net site:

Even Christopher Columbus, it appears, saw a UFO. While patrolling the deck of the Santa Maria at about 10:00 PM on October 11, 1492, Columbus thought he saw "a light glimmering at a great distance." He hurriedly summoned Pedro Gutierrez, "a gentleman of the king's bedchamber," who also saw the light. After a short time it vanished, only to reappear several times during the night, each time dancing up and down "in sudden and passig gleams." The light, first seen four hours before land was sighted, was never explained."

A manuscript illustration of the 10th-century Japanese narrative, The Tale of the Bamboo Cutter, depicts a round flying machine similar to a flying saucer.[2]
A record of a saucer-shaped object is from 1290 of a silver disc flying over a village in Yorkshire.[3] Disc-like flying objects were occasionally reported throughout the millennium. For example, in a mass sighting over Nuremberg in 1561, discs and spheres were reported emerging from large cylinders. (woodcut at left) They are also claimed by ufologists to frequently show up in religious artwork.[4] Artwork of the Annunciation of Mary, for instance, frequently shows a narrow beam of light descending from a saucer-like object. (examples at right and lower left) However, it is usually even ambiguous as to whether the artists were trying to depict something that had been seen or whether there was religious symbolism involved, let alone ufos.[5]
Possibly the first well-documented instance to specifically compare the objects to saucers, and the first to be widely reported, was the Kenneth Arnold sighting on June 24, 1947, while Arnold was flying near Mount Rainier.[3] He reported seeing 9 brightly-reflecting vehicles, one shaped like a crescent but the others more disc- or saucer-shaped, flying in an echelon formation, weaving like the tail of a kite, flipping and flashing in the sun, and traveling with a speed of at least 1,200 miles per hour (1,900 km/h).[6] In addition to the saucer or disc shape (Arnold also used the terms "pie plate" and half-moon shaped), he also later said he described the motion of the craft as "like a saucer if you skip it across water", leading to the term "flying saucer" and also "flying disc" (which were synonymous for a number of years).

14th Century woodcut of the Annunciation of Mary. Annunciation artwork often depicts a narrow beam descending from saucer-like objects.
Immediately following the report, hundreds of sightings of usually saucer-like objects were reported across the United States and also in some other countries. The most widely publicized of these was the sighting by a United Airlines crew on July 4 of nine more disc-like objects pacing their plane over Idaho, not far from Arnold's initial sighting. On July 8, the Army Air Force base at Roswell, New Mexico issued a press release saying that they had recovered a "flying disc" from a nearby ranch (the so-called Roswell UFO incident, which was front-page news until the military issued a retraction saying that it was a weather balloon

The most widely cited descriptions of the events reported at Fatima are taken from the writings of John De Marchi, an Italian Catholic priest and researcher. De Marchi spent seven years in FƔtima, from 1943 to 1950, conducting original research and interviewing the principals at undisturbed length.[15] In The Immaculate Heart, published in 1952, De Marchi reports that, "[t]heir ranks (those present on 13 October) included believers and non-believers, pious old ladies and scoffing young men. Hundreds, from these mixed categories, have given formal testimony. Reports do vary; impressions are in minor details confused, but none to our knowledge has directly denied the visible prodigy of the sun."[16]

A photostatic copy of a page from IlustraĆ§Ć£o Portugueza, October 29, 1917, showing the crowd looking at the Miracle of the Sun during the FĆ”tima apparitions.

Some of the witness statements follow below. They are taken from John De Marchi's several books on the matter.

  • "Before the astonished eyes of the crowd, whose aspect was biblical as they stood bare-headed, eagerly searching the sky, the sun trembled, made sudden incredible movements outside all cosmic laws — the sun 'danced' according to the typical expression of the people." ― Avelino de Almeida,[17] writing for O SĆ©culo
    O SƩculo was Portugal's most widely circulated[18] and influential newspaper. It was pro-government and anti-clerical at the time.[17] Almeida's previous articles had been to satirize the previously reported events at FƔtima.[7]

  • "The sun, at one moment surrounded with scarlet flame, at another aureoled in yellow and deep purple, seemed to be in an exceedingly swift and whirling movement, at times appearing to be loosened from the sky and to be approaching the earth, strongly radiating heat." ― Dr. Domingos Pinto Coelho, writing for the newspaper Ordem.[19]

  • "...The silver sun, enveloped in the same gauzy grey light, was seen to whirl and turn in the circle of broken clouds... The light turned a beautiful blue, as if it had come through the stained-glass windows of a cathedral, and spread itself over the people who knelt with outstretched hands... people wept and prayed with uncovered heads, in the presence of a miracle they had awaited. The seconds seemed like hours, so vivid were they." ― Reporter for the Lisbon newspaper O Dia.[16]

  • "The sun's disc did not remain immobile. This was not the sparkling of a heavenly body, for it spun round on itself in a mad whirl, when suddenly a clamor was heard from all the people. The sun, whirling, seemed to loosen itself from the firmament and advance threateningly upon the earth as if to crush us with its huge fiery weight. The sensation during those moments was terrible." — Dr. Almeida Garrett, Professor of Natural Sciences at Coimbra University.[20]

  • "As if like a bolt from the blue, the clouds were wrenched apart, and the sun at its zenith appeared in all its splendor. It began to revolve vertiginously on its axis, like the most magnificent firewheel that could be imagined, taking on all the colors of the rainbow and sending forth multicolored flashes of light, producing the most astounding effect. This sublime and incomparable spectacle, which was repeated three distinct times, lasted for about ten minutes. The immense multitude, overcome by the evidence of such a tremendous prodigy, threw themselves on their knees." ― Dr. Manuel FormigĆ£o, a professor at the seminary at SantarĆ©m, and a priest. He had attended the September visitation, and examined and questioned the children in detail several times.[20]

  • "I feel incapable of describing what I saw. I looked fixedly at the sun, which seemed pale and did not hurt my eyes. Looking like a ball of snow, revolving on itself, it suddenly seemed to come down in a zig-zag, menacing the earth. Terrified, I ran and hid myself among the people, who were weeping and expecting the end of the world at any moment." — Rev. Joaquim LourenƧo, describing his boyhood experience in Alburitel, eighteen kilometers from Fatima.[21]

    • :. Renaissance Art
    • The appearance of fiery chariots and hovering discs in Renaissance Era paintings - as well as beings working their controls and/or attired in garb that we commonly recognize today as spacesuits - proves, at least, that UFOs were being sighted in medieval times. While no direct connection can be isolated from this, between space aliens and religious icons, there certainly is a lot of supernatural phenomena associated in and around these depictions.
      The common images of one or more hovering saucer shaped metallic craft, often with highly intense beams of light emanating from the bottom, intelligently controlled and traveling at outrageous speeds - as if the artists witnessed these things first hand - are not in any sense ordinary events, even in modern times. It is extremely hard to find mention of these events, but they do exist - as scattered fragments, vague remnants, survivors of censorship.
    • One possible explanation is that these paintings were commissioned (by the church or the state) to place these phenomena in a deified context. Officially declared to be the vessels of angels, the peasants would ask fewer annoying questions - that likely, the clergy of the day had scant answers for themselves. It is likely that ancient UFO sightings coincided with important historical and political events - and just as likely that the sightings impressed, or pressured, leaders of the day to take bold, or unusual actions.
    • One set of images depicts a late 8th century battle, in which Saxon Crusaders besieged and surrounded the people of Sigiburg Castle, in France - when suddenly a group of saucers appeared in the sky, apparently hovering over the top of the church. The Saxons fled, believing that the French were being protected by the "flaming shields."
    • It was a very superstitious time - but people, as today, knew what they saw - though they probably had little context to associate with it. While there were certainly no flying machines (designed by humans) in those times, there were sailing ships - people were familiar with portholes. Some depictions illustrate these and other classic UFO details - begging the question: what did the ancients think of flying saucers?
    • Today, we are more comfortable with the idea of beings from outer space. For one thing, we know our world to be a planet, orbiting a star that is one of billions in a rather ordinary galaxy, floating somewhere in the vast reaches of the incalculably infinite universe. People of ancient times were told quite the contrary - that Earth was the center of the universe, the planets were gods, and the stars were fixed points of light on the inside of a celestial sphere. Any close encounter of any kind would most likely have been met with immediate extreme fear and wonder (as is the case today, for the most part), but considered without question to be angels, gods, demons or monsters. Their assertions may have been more on the mark than ours.
    • There were no airplanes, weather balloons, or experimental military jets to explain away the UFOs native to the skies of the pre industrial aeons. Events such as these would not have been as easily dismissed. Would those who witnessed such craft or encountered such beings first hand, be feared as witches, seen as cursed ~ or even blessed? A medieval abductee might descend from the mountain saying, in a reverent but dazed tone, "I have been touched by the angels."

SOMEthing to THINK about

On alter-ego's; by Jian, tcm, SiTU

The technique to create one or several alter-ego's is born out of soltitude or imprisonment.

Tales are told about monks, magicians and witches, who were confined for life. They created mental alterego's to keep their development going. Meditation became a kind of role-play. Sometimes an alter-ego took over completely or intervened in critical situations.

So far, so good.

Problems arise when an alter (or arche-type, role-model, mind-frame) starts dominating a plural personality. In some cases this leads to possessment. An alter invites/allows every entity, that gives it power (knows his/her name). This can leed to (demonic) possessment. This personality leads to absurd forms of control (Jim Jones), obsession (the Higgs-boson), demonic worship (heavy metal) or vulgarity (child-abuse).

Go and analyze your alter-ego's. There are many role-models in religion, art, music or science.

You can use gender, the Trimurti or Shakespeare to find out.

Do they take an equal place or are they absent.

We follow the road through harmony and balance. Use and train your alter-ego's carefully. Let me show you the way.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor alter ego


Matreya Predictions

Student: "Master, you say that everything is a form of energy."
Master: "Yes, everything is a form of energy. But there are different kinds of energy."
Student: "So even death is a form of energy."
Master: "Yes."
Student: "Master, but how can death be a form of energy?"
Master:"You see: everybody is running away from it. They are running on the energy of death."


"Who am I? What am I doing here? Why do they think I am insane?" These questions keep me busy at night-time. Like in a warzone, people stay inside at night. Leaving the world to itself and its insane mechanismes, rituals and human acts. Most of them only mean a short escape from the monkey-island they live on. Even the beautiful morninghours, they spend sleeping, with their curtains closed. In the meanintime their mind and body are microwaved and programmed to survive another day. This intense and effective way of control over the behaviour of crowds. and even that of a single individual, was operational 24/7. Slowly human society slid into a worldorder, dominated by white, chauvenistic, agressive macho's, covering dirty old men, which let most of the work be done by subordinate humans, though they preferred machines. To be fired suddenly and without In this way they controlled the world and an old-boys-cybernetwork which surrounded the planet.
All went well according to their ornagrams, simulations, schedules and plans. Soon total domination would be possible.

I tried to find a way in the growing crazyness, but failed and went crazy myself. This lasted for years, untill the moment I reached a form of enlightenment, in which I suddenly remembered remembered who I really was and the job I had to do. But being a solo worker for a different world, seemed ridiculous. Even to myself.

Time Team S20 special - britains stone age tsunami

Afbeelding kan het volgende bevatten: wolk, oceaan, lucht, buiten, natuur en water


The name of our former Queen Beatrix means from latin: “bringer of luck” and she has so many last names, that she starts her letters with we. These are the names of possesions and titels her family gathered in the course of history. Her family-roots lay mainly in Germany and our Royalty is through the years connected by marriage and alliance to all of the remaining kingdoms in Europe.

Names of cities have a meaning too. Some seem simple like “Amsterdam” and “Coevorden”, others are more complex, some are intriguing, like “Deventer” or “Harlingen”.

During the Middle Ages local city-powers bought from their aristocratic rulers, the right to call themselves a “city”. It meant a considerable form of income for the ruling king or emperor. The town I live in, is in its “777th” year. This a significant and important number, but the city council had no money, so this moment of numerical glory, though historians have doubt about the historical accuracy of the date, was ignored and forgotten. This is how things go and this is how we create an empty and sterile world. This is our lesson for today. Think about the meaning of words, of things and the world around you. As the next assignement, you have to discover the meanings of the names of 5 streets or alleys in your neighbourhood. Don't get lost.

The Occult History of the Third Reich Himmler The Mystic


It was deep in the Honduran rainforest, that suddenly the statue of Tlaloc, the Mayan rain-god, began to cry. It did not take long, before the tears dripped on the ground and a small stream formed, that meandered down the templemount and further down the hill. Strangely enough it was the dry season, making it a miracle even more.

Laura was the only, who saw the heavenly tears.

She was shocked. “Atlantis is rising, I have to go home.”

She didn't even say goodbye to her travelcompanion, packed her bag and took the first bus out. Laura was reliefed when she finally felt the airplane lift itself up and set its course: destination Amsterdam.


Religion, through the ages, has always used architecture and technology to impress and brainwash the believers.

In medieval times prilgrims from all over Europe travelled to Boxley (England). Reason was the miracle of the moving, and even speaking statue of Jesus Christ.

The son of God could move his arms and legs, frown and smile. The latter was explained as an direct answer to the praying believers. A smile meant a positive outcome; a frown a negative one.

Henry VIII broke the unity of the Roman Catholic Curch by starting his own (Anglican) church. He closed and plundered the rich monasteries and churches.

Boxley was wealthy, because of the constant flow of pilgrims, drawn by the mysterious and semi-divine Jesus-statue.

When the cashiers and soldiers of Henry raided Boxley, they paid extra attention to the famous statue. They soon discovered, that the statue could be manipulated by sticks and ropes, from behind the scenes.

The king used it as anti-catholic propaganda. The fraudulous statue of Jesus was paraded through the streets of London to educate the



  • as we know it –

A giant interstellar spacecraft was slowly approaching our solar system. Commander Orlov, the captain of the Imperial Fleet, was in charge of a galactic operation. Planet Earth had passed several boundaries and was about to self-destruct. The Empire, as it always did, would try to safe as much as possible of the sought-after “substance of life” (dna,lna, chlorophyl, protein, art, slaves, pets), to be re-used elsewhere in the galaxy.

Operations like this (harvesting, cleansing and addapting) always drew a lot of attention, from renegade tribes to remains of pre-Flood entities and technology).

What few people know is the fact, that Earth-representatives were in constant contact with the Empire. Earth was a respected part of a new and flourishing universe. But due to our own pride and greed Earth spiralled down, more and more becoming the playground of dark and evil forces, some alien.

Jian, the craz monk, was one of the last, who had contact and influence on high places. It was said, he stood under the direct protection of the Empress.


On board of the “Tiamat”.

" The operation has begun." Orlov repeated the sentence carefully. It was the best argument he had and even his opponent had in the end agreed with the goal of this galactic intervention. " So we were behind the erupting volcanoes on Java." Jian didn't sound surprised. The Impirial task-force was using equipment that was build by humans. The Alaska-stated HAARP-installation was pumping billions of volts into the stratosfeer. Created to manipulate the weather on the battlefield, the effects had totally gone beserk. Creating weatherchanges, earthquakes, hurricanes and volcanic eruptions. Still the experiments went on and the effects spread around the world creating total chaos. And that was only one of destructive experiments of the governing Elite, creating another Big Bang and a human cleansing. Had the point of no return not yet been reached or lay this phase behind them. And now the forces of the Empire had stepped in, to make things even worse.
" Commander, you must have heard stories about this sword." He pointed at the sword. " I would like to add a story to it." Some officers present grinned. That's why the Master had a nickname: the Crazy Monk. One reason of the name was, that even in dangerous situaties, the Master Jian was always telling stories, reciting poetry or singing songs.
Orlov's attention had been drawn and he nodded. As if he was presenting a Roman legion the Crazy Monk rose again. " My name is Jian, I am human. This sword's name is named Jian, it bears the essence of this human world and once played an enormous role when our world began.. It is mine by descend and by conquest. But it is broken. In this state his power is fragmented and chaotic."  The dominant figure paused. " I know a way to heal this sword. On this planet lives the only craftsman, who can restore the sword and its power." The Master paused again, drawing every-one's attention, he smiled inwardly. " How easy they could be fooled". He turned his head to commander Orlov. " I ask permission to organize a searchparty to find this craftsmen or the necessary technique, before itr is too late and the harvesting of Earth has begun."
This all seemed innocent enough, Orlov thought, but the Master was known for complicated intriques and was a recognized conspiracy-expert. Plans behind plans. But he accepted the importance of the sword for the master, who was about to loose his homeplanet. " If there is no interference with the Emoirial plans," He looked up at the Master, which made him feel uncomfortable, who slowly shook his head, " Then I grant you permission for forming a small searchteam." The Master smiled. " You won't be disappointed. This sword will change my destiny and that of my home-planet's future." That last remark made Orlov uneasy, but Jian being away, did mean a lot less potential  turbulence on the mothership. " Meeting closed." , Orlov said. He too thought to know what the near future would bring.   


Everything is going according to plan, Madam.” The spokesman, obvious a member of operational services, looked up at the tall, blondhaired woman, who was overlooking the surroundings from het commandpost in the cspaceship. She was almost one feet taller, than the engineer. Slim, blue-eyes and extremely young for the position she held over this delicate operation from Cosmic Rescue. That was not the official name, but its goal was to rescue endangered species or lifeforms.

Life was a priceless and a special commodity in this universe, though the opposite was mostly true. This planet was full of life. It even contained intelligent humanoid species, unique to this universe. But even though there was room enough for everybody and their adaptability to natural circumstances was formidable, the humanoid species clashed and the decisive fight over territory, huntinggrounds and habitable places drove one type of humans almost to extinction. Nothing could stop this process, becaue the winning side strongly believed, that, although they looked quite similar, that their fellow human beings were animals, who should be hunted down, because they represented a danger for the growth and blossoming of their way of life. The latter meaning continuous battles over territory or women. This inherent aggression was now focused on this, shrinking, population.

We did a good job, even though it took a couple of years to convince them, that leaving the planet was their best option.”

The engineer nodded. “I was hear from the beginning and worked mainley on holographic projection and imaging.” The woman laughed. “In the end they even accepted holographic images of me and my team as entities and part of their collective spirit. During mass-ceremonies held in their underground cathedrals we succeeded in getting this message across. It were their sjamans, that made the difference. They were mostly curious after our techniques and, on a new, suitable planet, this would enhance their power manyfold. Even now their insights, rituals and inprinting techniues completely supported their way of life. They only took from the land, what they needed and were, in contrast to their enemies, vegetarian.

Outside a long row of humans, man, woman and children, were climbing towards an entrance of the ship. They were dressed in furs and were carrying pottery, jars and all kind of tools. They seemed in a kind of trance, hardly making a sound.

Madam, does this place have a name?” She nodded. “In the future this area will be called “das Neanderthal”.


" I ask permission to speak." The meeting fell silent and every-one focussed on commander Orlov. He obviously enjoyed the attention and stared at his opponent. Though seated, he looked a tall and strong individual. He was completely bald and wore the simple black dress of a revolutionary kommissar. He wore no juwelery or battle-insignia, except a simple seven-pointed star. His way of saying that he obeyed the Mother-Goddess.
Orlov hesitated. Giving him room to move meant trouble. The commander new of his ancestry. The inhabitants of this planet were his people. Which made his participation in this delicate mission a potential problem. It was known, and by some even accepted, that he would fight till the end to save his planet.
" Commander, I do ask permission to speak." While saying that he rose. Revealing not only that he was extremely tall and muscular, but that he was carrying a jian on his hip. The crew hissed, when they saw this. It was totally illegal to posess a weapon like that, let alone bringing it into a meeting like this.


Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

In 1611 begon Gravin Elisabeth Bartoly aan haar doodstraf. Ze werd ingemetseld in een torenkamer, waar zij in in augustus 1614 dood werd aangetroffen. Tijdens het proces werden haar het martelen en doden van 650 dienstmeiden ten laste gelegd. Het proces werd niet alleen ingegeven door afschuw voor de massamoord, maar ook om haar bezittingen onderling te verdelen. Gravin Elisabeth was, zeker na haar huwelijk, Ć©Ć©n van de machtigste vrouwen in het koninkrijk Hongarije en zeer zeker de rijkste.

Elisabeth werd, als een van vier kinderen, in 1560 geboren in het roemrijkste en aanzienlijkste geslacht van het koninkrijk. Een neef van haar werd koning van Polen en andere neef was de flamboyante hertog van TranssylvaniĆ«. Het Hongarije van deze tijd was voortdurend in oorlogen verwikkeld met Oostenrijk of met de Turken in het zuiden. Elisabeth werd zeer beschermd opgevoed in een standenmaatschappij, die ook nog eens door etnische tegenstellingen werd verzwakt. Hongaren keken neer op de Slowaken en behandelden hen als slaven. Het straffen van personeel was de gewoonste zaak van de wereld. Het personeel werd gerecruteerd uit de Slowaakse boerenbevolking. Op vijftienjarige leeftijd trouwt ze met Francis Nagashdi, een legeraanvoerder en voorstander van een strenge discipline onder het personeel. Lijfstraffen waren de gewoonste zaak van de wereld, maar Elisabeth ging, tijdens de maandenlange afwezigheid van haar man, hierin tot het uiterste. Dit gebeurde niet alleen op haar kastelen en landgoederen in Hongarije, maar ook tijdens bezoeken aan het Oostenrijkse hof. Augustijner monniken smeten pispotten tegen de ramen van haar verblijf, uit protest tegen het gekrijs en geschreeuw. Maar haar adellijke status beschermde haar, ook toen na de dood van haar man in 1604, disciplinering uitliep op mishandeling, verminking en de marteldood. Bij het selecteren van de slachtoffers werd ze geholpen door een viertal bedienden. Een jongeman, Fitzko en drie oudere vrouwen; Elena Jo, Carta en Dorothea. De excessen waaraan Elisabeth zich te buiten ging, werden steeds extremer. In de rechtbankverslagen wordt vermeld dat ze het vlees van haar slachtoffers at en het bloed dronk. Haar obsessieve betrokkenheid met het ouder worden, zou hiervan de oorzaak zijn. Later zijn hieruit de verhalen ontstaan dat “Countess Dracula” zich baadde in het bloed van haar jeugdige slachtoffers. In ieder geval staat gravin Elisabeth Bartoly aan de basis van alle vampierlegendes.

Zolang Slowaakse boerendochters het slachtoffer werden van haar gruweldaden, kon ze ongestoord haar gang gaan. In 1610 kidnappen haar bedienden een dochter van een Hongaarse dominee. Deze weet te ontsnappen en vertelt wat er in slot Czecice gebeurt. De adel in Hongarije sluit de handen ineen en vlak na Kerstmis 1610 bezetten soldaten het kasteel. De gravin en haar bedienden worden gevangen genomen. Vier dagen later begint het proces. Allereerst staan de bedienden terecht. Carla wordt vrijgesproken, maar Elena Jo en Dorothea worden verbrand, niet nadat de vingers van hun handen zijn getrokken. Fitzko krijgt een iets mildere straf; hij wordt onthoofd. Gravin Bartoly wordt tot eenzame opsluiting veroordeeld en ingemetseld. Haar landgoederen, kastelen en fortuin worden verdeeld.