zondag 13 januari 2019


The epic poem of Beowulf stems from Doggerlant and was first written down in the area on the border of Frisia and Danmark around 200 BC., but the content is much older and stems from before the Flood and the disappearance of this magical island. Beowulf describes a mystical world of monsters and human heroes and demi-gods. It contains the spirit of Atlantis, with all its heroism and despair.

Which Atlantis you may ask In the Goden Age, there were several all around the world. Most of them have drowned and disappeared, seemingly for ever, under the waves of the ocean. Recently remnants have been found of these city-states. Yonaguni, near Japan, Dwarka, of the coast of India, near Cuba (Bimini) and Easter Island. During their hay-days people travelled (and traded) all around the planet. Atlantis was a cultural (and military) conglomerate on a global scale.

Mankind knew a golden, a silver and an iron period. Symbollicaly stated. This gradual process became known as a dumbingdown process. Men lost their (mental) capabilities, their knowledge and their ethics. The splendour of their cities disappeared and the connection with nature and the gods was broken. With the result that the Atlanteans thought to be superior and destined for world domination and control. The former city-states started 6000 years of wars against each-other. World War 2 was the last one. The Nazis oppenly declared to be the heirs of Atlantis. The world was theirs for the taking. Though officially defeated, their ideology is still present. A centrally controlled world economy, corporate fascism, a world army, a unified justice-system, world healthcontrol and racism. I call this the Fourth Reich. The rising of Atlantis and the return of the mighty-ones.

We will have to fight this totalitarian moloch till the end.

Atlantis must burn. Evil destroyed.

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