dinsdag 15 januari 2019


did evolution change dinosaurs into birds

65 million years ago an asteroid or comet hit the Earth and caused global devastation, that made the dinosaurs extinct. Reptiles, that dominated the earth and appeared in all sizes, habitat (the sea and air), meat- or plant-eaters and were present globally. Dinosaurs ruled our planet for at least as long, as they are extinct now.

Some small mammals survived and they stand at the beginning of our family-tree. At least one of these small mammals developed into homo sapiens sapiens, us.

It took a while and there were several proto-types, that went extinct ages ago. How they went extinct?

Slowly or abruptly, a species disappeared. Climate-change, disease? Or did we have a hand in it?

There is evidence, that Neanderthal people lived together with a proto-humans and produced off-spring. Other evidence lead to the theory, that we hunted down our brother-species and killed them. A genocidal war, fought in Europe and the Near-East. We were superior, why, because we won. Neanderthal is just a foot-note in our history.

And we have proven to be good at that.

Genocide and controlled extinction. We are also expert-hunters. In the past 50.000 years we eliminated the American giant-horse, the cave-bear, the European lion, except for a small group in India, the giant-deer and -wolve, the dodo (a bird), river-dolphins, numerous type of birds, fish, sea-mammals and small mammals. The list goes on and on. Numbers of African wildlife, the big 5, dwindle to the extinction point. Of certain rhino subspecies, only a few are left in the wild. More tigers live in the USA as pets, compared to India in the wild. But it is still possible to shoot or fish any animal you want, if you pay the right price. A couple of years ago, the largest African elephant at that moment, was shot by a foreign hunter. He had a permit.

We are not only experts in animal-extinction, we are also experts in destroying large groups of peoples, tribes, races and states. The Bible speaks of this to describe the conquest of the Holy Land, in which the Israelites were ordered to eliminate the Kanaanites and Philistines to the last man, woman and child.

Which they did.

The culmination-point was reached during World War Two. The Germans created a killing-machine, that was operational from 1933 and costed the lives of millions. Jews, gypsies, homo-seksuals and Jehova-witnesses.

Yes, we are very good at it.
Afbeeldingsresultaat voor genocide

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