dinsdag 17 april 2018



Plato seemed to have said, that it is easy to believe in Atlantis.” Jian paused for a while. “It is easy, because it is fact, not fiction.”

Again Jian paused. This was the introduction course of the Academy about Atlantis. For the first time SiTu has advertised in the local newspapers and about 15 people had reacted. Even were willing to pay money for it.

Adolf Hitler believed in the exisstance of Atlantis. Luftwaffe-planes searched around Greenland and Iceland for signs of the hidden continent. Heinrich Himmler sent searchparties arouind the world to look for survivors of Atlantis. Nazi-researches measured the faces of Tibetans and took masks for further research. Does it proof that Atlantis did exist? No, it does not. Edgar Casey, the eminent American clairvoyant, said in one of his trances, that Atlantis would be discovered in 1968. Exactly in that year the so-called “Bimini-road” was discovered. A mile-long stone structure, that looked exactly like an artificial road. Does this discovery mean, that Atlantis was found, at last. No, it does not. There are many strange things to be discovered underwater. Some, you can better leave alone.” He projected some images of the “Bimini-road”. He did not comment, the images should speak for themselves.

Atlantis was dedicated to Poseidon and was populated by people, who worshipped the gods, loved to build beautiful temples, mansions and monasteries. They lived in harmony with nature and their goals was spiritual development. This went well for a while and Atlantis expended. But the aristocrats and spiritual leaders had forgotten one thing. Their youth.

They got tired of immortality, following the flow and reciting mantras in the park. They wanted some action.

You must know that mankind had developed all kind of abilities, long forgotten now, accept in the ancient tales. They possessed powers, which literaly were collosal. Used in a possitive way it was a blessing, but used in a negative way it meant total destruction. Sometimes a child destroyed a complete city and rivalling clans fought wars using their ability to fly to attack each other. Atomic bombs destroyed half of India. But the Elders, the aristocrats and bureaucrats did not intervene. This had disastrous consequentes.

Ambitious, young Atlanteans performed all kind of experiments.

This led to vulcanic eruptions, earthquakes and weatherpatterns.

Still, there was no intervention, obsessed as they were with devotion to their gods and spiritual ascension. Still the Atlantean Empire was blooming and the Atlanteans toasted to the future,

when a 17-year old whiz-kid created a black hole.”

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