donderdag 26 april 2018

Following the Monkey-Path

Defenders of the Al-Aqsa Mosk

You can tell many tales about Jahweh; but when he starts something, he will finish it. One way or another. Not like Zeus, who throws rocks at us, completely at random or those Eastern guys, who visited the child-Messiah and found it by manipulating the stars in the firmament, all the way from Babylon, an empire in decay.

Jaweh is quite straight-forward. The Torah could have ended with the 10 commandmends. These tools for social conduct are enough for a civilization, that just got started. The people from the Exodus, (multi-racial) did not even have a homeland.

The meeting with Jahweh at Mount Sinai, resulted in a Covenant. In return for living a life according to the commandments, these proto-Israelites would be lead to the promised land, Kanaan (greater Israel) and by means of a super-weapon hidden in the Arc, they would destroy and alienate the people and tribes, that lived. Jahweh kept his promise, even though the Jews were deported several times. In 1948 the state of Israel was declared independent by means of a UN-declaration.

This was possible, because Palestine, part of the exploded Ottoman Empire, was a British protectorate.

A kind of Palestinian state was formed as well, though it was not well organised. Even though Israel is under constant attack, as a state it functions and prospers.

So Jahweh kept his promise.

The important question: DID WE KEEP OUR PART OF THE BARGAIN?” Did we build our future on the 10 commandments. If not, we know what will happen. He wrote a whole book about it, called the Holy Bible.

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