vrijdag 15 februari 2019


Which path do you follow? The lefthand path or the right hand. The one offering salvation during this lifetime, the other a sinister cycle oflife and death?

Or are you blindfolded?

The Monkey-path you walk with your eyes wide open. So remove the blindfold. It is as eeasy as that.

So it seems, but there exists an inprinted code, hat prevents us from doing so.

Velikovsky called it a collective “amnesia”. Our planet was hit by several disasters, including a hit by a comet, ice-ages, volcanic eruptions and flooding.

We only remember the Bible Flood, because the story is told in Genesis and most people see it as that, a story. The fact if and if yes, how long ago, is disputed We are programmed to forget, because there were floods and there was not one, but several ones, all over the world. But not all the planet and at the same moment.

The Black Sea was an inland lake, say 12.000 years ago, with a flourishing “bronze age” culture, seafaring and populous. When the last Ice-age ended, about 16/15.000 years ago, rainfall increased, so did the waterlevel of this inland sea. The people reacted by moving inland and managing the waters. The local tribes were on the move. Then disaster struck. It was a chain-reaction on a global scale. The Northern Icecap started melting, which created an enormous lake in Northern Canada, held together with ice.

You can understand what happened. The natural barrier slowly weakened and this status-quo situation exploded into a megaflood, that engulfed Northern-America and the Northern Atlantic.

This is the Flood that destroyed Atlantis, created the Mediterranean and found its way in to the Black lake. This was not a slowly rising of the lake, but millions of tons of water filling the lake. The animals and humans did not stand a chance.

There was a complete reshuffling of Earth's surface. Much land was inundated by water, permanently, so it seems or by sediments from the waters, mud, chalk, ash, salt and clay. Some remnants of this pre-Flood society are found near Okinawa, Japan. Called Yonaguni and many explorers of the past, think it is a man-made temple-structure or palace of enormous proportions. Dated around 18.000 years ag, as is Dwarka, the twin-city of Krisjna, near the Indian Eastern coast.

But we forget. We are programmed to ignore the signs of change and the (eco-)disasters, that lure just around the corner. TV-makers and movie-directors like this. They are teasing us all the time, when we, in their documentaries and video-productions are killed in a dramatic way by supervolcanoes, giant tsunamis, mega-hurricanes, asteroid impacts, earthquakes or simply war, the message is: YOU DO NOT STAND A CHANCE.

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