maandag 18 februari 2019



Some explain the existence of ufo's and contact with extraterrestrial biological entities a.k.a. alien visitors, as the result of aliens mastering time-travel. The visiting entities come from the future; ours or from a planet, close or far-off. Because they know our future, Andromedians and Sirians warn us for the results of war and the use of A-bombs. At a disclosure-meeting in Washington, an insider stated that our planet was visited by about 60 “races”, most of them humanoid. Most of these visitors could be a neighbour or a passer-by. We would not recognise them as different or an anomaly.

If this is true and why should he lie, this is a shocking statement. Nobody knows the reason those ET's are visiting us. And these visits started a long, long time ago and had a hughe impact on the history of mankind, being responsible for the 6 mass-extinction events that struck Earth. The next one seems to be imminent.

But could it be, that the space-travellers don't come from our future, but from our past?

There is sufficient evidence, that our earlier ancestors had amazing possibilities, used remarkable technology and produced high-level art, literature, temples and monuments. Our history has to be totally rewritten and the necessary fact-finding will open an unending perspective.

I think, that in those cultures (Lemuria, Atlantis, Dwarka and others) people possessed the inner-power to travel in time, use levitation and teleportation. Throughout time they developed technology, partly fysical, partly other-dimensional, to strengthen these powers and reach to the planets and even the stars.

Yes, there are ruins on the Moon and is probably hollow. Like all the planets are, including our planet Earth. This my conclusion, so far.

Earth was struck by disaster and human life almost went extinct. About 2000 of us were left and had to cling to existence. I think we were helped. Anyway, mankind survived the Flood and Noah and his company repopulated the earth with people and, of course, animals.

Of course the catastrofies, that struck earth caused a lot of destruction and displacement. But not all was gone and during the rebuilding-process hardware and parts of technological products were discovered. These are the old tales of magical swords, talking heads and flying vehicles.

Some of these findings seem planned, like the finding of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Carefully hidden, it was miraciously discovered. Spirituaally exactly on the right time. Some are still hidden, like the Arc of the Covenant; but the discovery is imminent. Right on time for the New Jewish Temple. Remember these are the end-times.

But other finds seemed to have gotten into the wrong hands. We all contribute to the Akashic Records, our collective memory. These Records are accesable and can be consulted. According to an ancient cosmology, 7 Wise Men have the task to classify the incoming date into different Books.

Like I said, these Chambers of Wisdom contain every bit of information about human kind. Our heroic behaviour, our daily performances and our failures. And of course our contribution to Love or to Sin.

The 7 Books are hidden, like the Akashick Records, but something has gone terribly. One Book is missing, probably stolen. If could be disastrous if this information falls into the wrong, alien hands. Which of the 7 Books is missing. It is the Book of Mass-psychology and mass-manipulation and it has been missing quite some time.

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