maandag 25 juni 2018


There is a flow of consciousness circling the planet. More and more people a realizing, where this system is heading. Towards a global catastrophe followed by marshal law and creating a global prison camp, for the workers and paradise for the happy few. It will be worse than “1984”, “Animal Farm” and “Lord of the Flies” combined.

In the same time there is a massive attack on our sanity and moral instincts.Through massive media-campaigns peope are drilled what to wear, what to like, how to amuse themselves and what to buy. On the other hand every one is bombarded by horrible deaths, accidents and destruction. There is a direct link between the Taliban, the Batman-killer and being robbed near the supermarktet.

The “terrorist-craze” in the United States led to huge arm-sales, although the chance to meet a terrorist in the land of the brave was nil. In Dallas a concerned bank-employee bought a gun, to protect his family. He was careless. His three year old sun found the gun and shot himself. Another victim of the “War on terror”. Security is taken absurd forms. A while ago I had to go to court. I was almost strip-searched. Everybody had to pass through a detection portal. Completely ridiculous, because no visitor had the intention to be violent. I make a bet on that. This tendency in society is called “the Mean World Syndrome. This means that we are programmed to perceive the world as extremely dangerous, which it definitively is NOT. The mass effort of politicians, media, intelligence and corporations has no other goal then to frighten you, till you are so scared, that you say yes to everything, even to slavery. So the think.

This the start of the counteroffensive. Take your positions and check your equipment. It's gonna be a hell of a ride.

To stay focused; advised reading: Walden 2 by B.F. Skinner. The New World Order Paradise. By the way, Skinner isolated his child in a box, to observe his developments. Mrs. Skinner made an end to this torture.
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