- SOMEthing to THINK aboutHow serious does the government, police, the military, religion and science, take individual and collective observations of what individuals thought to have experienced and witnessed.Very much I would think. Scientists we trust, when they report their data and conclusions, based on controlled observations and experiments. The police are dependend on the observations of and data of others and we accept it as concrete evidence. Religion accepts individuals prophesying in trance, possession and dreams.There is and was massive fraud, f.i. the Dutch psychologist Huub S. or a major university, that manipulated data to please politics and sponsors.Still we accept scientifically information as to be true and build our future on the results (Global Warming).Ufo-sightings, observations and video-evidence are something completely different, In this field observations, data and experiences of citizins are explained away (ptsd, balloons, swampgas, weatherphenomena, secret military aircraft) and massive disclosure by scientists, astronauts, ufologists and military personel, has no effect on the policy of the world(super-)powers or on mainstream opinions about ufo's and extraterrestrial contacts.Ufo's exist only in the imigination of a misled and desinformed part of the Earthly population.May individual sightings, who are often filmed or photographed, be easily disregarded as evidence,Collective sightings of flying objects in the sky are quite common and seen sometimes by thousands of people. Masshalucinations or atmospheric oddities worldwide?There have been observations of groups, who experienced an alien encouter. In a Russian town and near two schools (one in Zimbabwe and one in Australia), ufos landed and aliens got out. Children said that they heard telepathic messages, that frightened them. After a short stay, the entities went back to their spacecraft and left.It should not surprise you, that these “world-shaking” cases are minimalised and degraded to being juist a crazy event. Research on the Australian case showed, that reports and footage were missing and witnesses intimidated. Everybody acted as if nothing had happened. This was about 40 years after the visit of alien beings. An event, with hundreds of eyewitnesses, was carefully and deliberately massaged away.
- History of the End of the WorldTHE ATLAN CHRONICLESREWRITTEN AND EDITED BYJian, the crazy monk, SiTUfirst trip (Kether). A book of Truth1.She opened her mouth, moved her tongue and said:“The Earth quakes and the Heavens rattle; the beasts of nature gather, while men drifts apart; volcanoes usher up heat while elsewhere ice melts. And then on other days it just rains. Indeed many things come to pass.”She waited a moment and watched the group of chanting priests, sjamans, witches and other representative of Gaia, the Mother Earthgoddes.“They are all waiting for me.”, she thought, “They need my powers to open the Gate.”It was as if the participants in this ancient ritual sensed her thoughts and the sounds, movement and manifestations of thoughtforms intensified and filled the collective aura.Slowly she rose and showed her formidable length and living hair. When she opened her arms to embrace them all, the chaotic scenery felt silent. Nothing moved.“Let the ritual begin.”, it were the first words she spoke in ages.It was in 2014/2015 when the North-Koreans started a major project to immanentise the Eschaton. Never before were the Great Powers driven towards planetary annihilinisation, comparable only to the Cuban crisis in the Cold War-period. All because of a tiny rock in the Japanese Sea, which was claimed and renamed Yin by China. Japans forces were on highest alert. When finally emotions calmed down to the levels of secret operations and local warfare and rebellion, nobody realised the point of no return had passed. The long planned extinction of the human race had begun. Indeed many things do come to pass.I am totally aware of the fact, that the ritual had begun. But in fact, I do not know who I am, where I am and why I am here in the first place. I am watching a group of sparrows on a neighbouring roof. By means of an intense feedingcampaig, the flock now counts about 100 birds.This planet is a strange place. Primitive instincts, high technology and an agressive attitude against change and development.In the meantime, in the Yucatan rainforest, the eyes of a giant Maya-statue, representing Tlaloc, the raingod, began to weep and soon the monsoonrain started to pour; never to stop. Nobody saw and understood this, but Laura, a Dutch tourist, who suddenly realised, that “the End of the World” had begun. Destruction by water, yet again and the rise of Atlantis afterwards.So I told you about the sparrows and the “End of our World”. In the meantime I am lookingt out of the window and see endless row of vehicles moving around. The local people I met so far are extremely good at one thing: denying the evidence of their own senses.
berichten van de rand van Nederland..................................................................................................................................................................................

donderdag 20 juli 2017
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