woensdag 16 juli 2014


Retardation, degeneration or going downhill and back to basics: spiritual development.

This goals all start with slowing down, with special attention to slow. This has to happen slowly, because otherwise the “Forces of Evil” (to be defined on different levels) will notice and destroy it. No matter what the cost, even in human life.

Realise the slowing down-process on non-economical interesting groups (birds, the poor, flowers, plants, nature, gardening, landscaping, dogs, local “intelligentia”, artists or history fanatics).

But you have a lot of choises yourself:

Instead of a plane, try a train.

Used to the train, try a bus.

Got the bus, use a bike.

Most of the time, you can walk,

instead of using a bike.

You will see, that your world will grow and intensify, instead of shrinking and degenerating.

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